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TPD-HFE-7100 Methyl perfluoroisobutyl ether


  • Nonflammable, low toxic, no residue after evaporation  
  • Excellent inertia
  • High density, low viscosity, low surface tention, low dielectric constant
  • Good compatibility with most metals, plastics and elastomers

Technical Index

Item Typical Value
Appearance Clear colorless liquid
Purity, % >99.5%
Boiling Point, °C 59
Pour Point, °C -135
Density (25°C, g/cm3) 1.51
Kinematic Viscosity (25°C, cSt) 0.38
Surface Tension (25°C, dynes/cm) 13.6
Moisture, ppm <50
Acid Value, ppm <10
KB Value (kb) 10
Vapor Pressure (25°C, KPa) 28
Specific Heat (25°C, kJ/kg.k) 1.18
Thermal Conductivity (W/m.k, 25°C) 0.069
Breakdown Voltage (kv/2.54mmgap) >25
Dielectric Constant @1KHz 7.27
Volumetric Resistivity, Ω·cm >108
Flash Point, °C None
GWP (100 year ITH) 272


Methyl perfluoroisobutyl ether TPD-HFE-7100 is widely in the following applications:

  • Solvent: diluent for anti-fingerprint solutions, lubricant diluent.
  • Drying: drying after hydrocarbon or alcohol immersion.
  • Cleaning: metal degreasing cleaning, plastic cleaning, resin cleaning, dust removal.
  • Cosmetics:Cosmetic wetting agents.
  • Coolant: data center immersion cooling, semiconductor temperature control / coolant, power components cooling, food, medical industry cooling.
  • Foaming: polyurethane foaming.

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0915 019 551

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