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Flux-Off Tri-V


  • Chip Carriers
  • Heat Sinks
  • Metal Housings and Chassis
  • Printed Circuit Boards
  • Plugs
  • Relays and Contacts
  • Sockets
  • Surface Mount Device Pads
  • Switches

Flux-Off Tri-V Flux Remover is an extra strength nonflammable solvent that removes heavy and encrusted flux deposits. This solvent system is engineered to remove all types of flux types while evaporating quickly and leaving no residues. Tri-V replacement chemistry is an innovative new chemistry that does not contain any n-propyl bromide, TCE or any ozone depleting compounds.


  • Nonflammable, can be used on energized equipment
  • Powerful cleaning agent to remove R, RA, RMA, and synthetic fluxes
  • Removes encrusted fluxes and white residues
  • Penetrates to clean hard to reach areas
  • Evaporates quickly and leaves no residues, minimizes down time
  • Does not contain n-propyl bromide, trichloroethylene, or perchloroethylene
  • Stabilized for metals such as aluminum, magnesium, titanium, and brass
  • Noncorrosive, safe for sensitive metals

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0915 019 551

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T2 - CN : 8h00 - 18h00

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